Become a Part of It
The task of building Betton Grange, like that of restoring an engine from Barry scrapyard, is a formidable one. Few of the visitors to Britain’s preserved railways appreciate that the highly polished locomotive at the front of their train had to be completely rebuilt from complete dereliction. Fewer still will realise that somewhere between 15 and 25 years will have elapsed between rescue and first steaming!
Think about the challenge of building Betton Grange. One hundred and fourteen tons of locomotive must be built, to a sixty five year old design, from a century old concept. The country must be scoured for what original parts can be found, and the rest must be skillfully (and expensively) recreated. Many man-years of hard manual labour together with much precision engineering will be required.
When Betton Grange is completed, it will only be because a great many people such as you care enough to see it happen and make a contribution, however small.
Here’s How You Can Help:
Contributing Money – We estimate in excess of £500,000 will be needed to build Betton Grange. Any donation, no matter how small, will bring us closer to our target. We have three schemes for regular contributions (see Sign Up), but we can always accept a donation direct from this site (see the Make Donation button in the left-hand column).
Contributing Skill – We would like to hear from anyone with specialist skills such as coded welding, foundry work etc.
Contributing Parts – If anyone has the elusive ‘Grange’ cylinder drawings, or any other surplus ex-GWR parts we would like to hear from them.
Contributing Time – People without specialist engineering skills can still make an enormous contribution. Much of the manual work of locomotive construction requires no more than a modicum of skill, a great deal of effort, no fear of getting dirty and a good sense of humour! Alternatively, if engineering doesn’t appeal we are always in need of people to help us raise funds, promote the project and administer the group’s affairs.