At this time we have no clearer picture as to when we can resume working on The locomotive. The engine is still at Tyseley locomotive works which is shut down during the Covid 19 pandemic. Tyseley hope to re-open by the end of June with work re-commencing again on the Grange by mid July .It is then hoped that they will be able to accept Volunteers around 4 weeks later If so we can arrange working parties to suit. We do not yet know how CV-19 working restrictions will impact on our timescale, or frequency of allowed working parties. 
More news will be posted when we have it

Boiler lifted into Frames

Tuesday 17th March was the day that our boiler was lifted into the frames at Tyseley. Now the boiler can be fixed in place and the smoke box secured meaning that the final fixing can take place. Once this is done we can start on the final piping up and the fitting of the cladding.

Boiler back head platework is prepared

Our team of volunteers have continued work at Tyseley during the winter and one of the items being worked on is the shaping of the boiler back head plating. The boiler is due to be lifted into the frames this month so final pipe work and finishing can take place

Boiler Passes Steam Test

Our boiler passed its first steam test on Friday 6th December paving the way for it to be united with the frames in the week ahead

please click here for a video taken for the steam test

First Fire

Saturday 16th November was a significant day for us with member’s attending the AGM witnessing the first fire in the boiler. Tyseley has completed the hydraulic test the day before and we were invited to put a warming fire into the firebox. With much excitement Quentin McGuinness and Chris Moore prepare the moment in the traditional manner with lighted oily rags.

The following pictures show what happened with those fortunate to attend, recording the moment

To see the event click here

Boiler now awaiting Hydraulic test

With the boiler now filled with water, it has been moved outside at Tyseley awaiting the arrival of the boiler inspector.
meanwhile inside the vacuum pump has been fitted and piped up. One more step towards completing the locomotive.

Boiler ready for Hydraulic Testing

Tyseley have completed the fitting of the large tubes and so the boiler is now ready for its hydraulic test. This is expected to take place within the next 7-14 days paving the way for the steam test.

Meanwhile the ash pan nears completion ready for the day it can be fitted into the frames followed by the boiler itself. Our teams continue to work on the locomotive whilst planning to make the cladding for the blackhead once the boiler goes on

Lates news from Tyseley

Our team again spent a working day at Tyseley after the summer break finding much progress on the pipe work being undertaken during the previous month.

The boiler is more advanced too with the large tubes now complete with their bottle ends. Currently the tubes are away for testing and expected back at Tyseley within days ready for fitting. It should not be much longer before the anticipated hydraulic test.

Meanwhile assembly of the Ashpan has progress so that it’s ready for when the boiler finally sits in the frames.

First Tubes in Boiler

This week engineers at Tyseley fitted most of the small tubes to the boiler, cutting them to length and sliding them in. The large tubes will follow.

Brake Rigging & Cylinder Cocks

Our team checked over the fully fitted brake rigging which is now nearing completion and also fitted the cylinder drain cocks and mechanism.

With the locomotive over the pit we were able to view the completed valve gear, the first picture shows the weigh shaft and expansion link looking forward and the second photo the reverse view showing the sheaves mounted on the middle axle.