June 2011 News Update

Rapid progress being made on the restoration of the front bogie from ex-GWR ‘Hall’ No. 5952 Cogan Hall, which is being renovated by locally-based Betton Grange Society members at Williton works on the West Somerset Railway. A similar programme is underway with the buffers and front buffer beam.

Bogie At Williton

Bogie Split, 6880 Being Stamped Into Frame

Bogie Split

Bogie Split Before Axle Box Tie Removal

Bogie Split Frame in Car Park


The above series of photo’s were supplied by N Tiley, and show the bogie frames as delivered, and stripped for restoration.

At Llangollen, the newly forged extension frames have been test fitted to the main frames, whilst work is nearing completion on the horn guides and spring hangers, with the locomotive’s frames having received the first coat of primer in recent weeks.


Extension Frames Test Fitting


Test fitting the extension frames. D Huntbatch.


Frames In Primer

Frames In Primer

Rear Hornguide With Stretcher


Several views of the frames in primer, and the hornguides. R Cadge.