
Painting Starts

A first coat of green undercoat has been applied as a visible step forward towards completion

Cab Fittings Update

Most of the pipe work and cab fittings are now in place as work progresses. We expect 6880 to steam this year

Cladding and Cleating

Work advances as the cladding and cleating are added along with the final fitting of the back head fittings. The locomotive edging ever nearer to completion

Boiler lagging goes on

as the locomotive gets ever nearer to completion the lagging is being added to the boiler. Once complete the cladding can be fitted


The newly finished outer steam covers have been fitted for the first time bringing completion ever nearer

Ejector Cover, steam pipes and handrails

work continues on the small parts needed to finish the locomotive


The vacuum ejector pipe has been fitted along with the hand rail fittings there is a new smokebox dart and the steam pipes are now fixed


An arranged photoshoot at Tyseley for Trackside magazine saw the temporary fitting of the steam pipes, chimney and safety valve cover. The locomotive was drawn out into the sunshine so the photos could be taken by a professional photographer. one photo appeared on the front cover and several were used in the multi page article. it is hoped to raise the Society profile and attract new members.

2022 AGM at Tyseley

26th February saw a good turnout of members for the AGM. The locomotive is nearing completion and members were able to inspect progress first hand

More progress at Tyseley

Over the Christmas holiday period more pipe work has been added to the cab fittings including the condenser coil and the driving wheel sanding pipes. Attention is next turning towards the smoke box