sponsor a part
With the Grange build gathering momentum and several of the larger aspects of the locomotive now financed, the huge expense of a boiler overhaul looms ever nearer. When the time comes it will take all our efforts to finance this.
In the meantime however, and in order to finish Betton Grange within our intended time scale, it is desirable to amass as many of the smaller parts as possible in the near future.
Our hugely successful ‘On the Shelf List’ has attracted a fantastic response from members and supporters alike.
As the build enters another exciting stage there is still plenty of parts that can carry your name.
There are many small and larger parts, fittings etc. that are still needed.
NEW! Copper piping for the boiler fittings, cab fittings, etc –
So for a small contribution of £25 be part of the Plumb Fund!
We have therefore produced our ‘For the shelf and On the Grange’ list and invite any contributions you may be willing to make to any item on the list. The list will be updated from time to time and your name will be shown on our Roll of Honour, or should you prefer, remain anonymous.
If you are a UK Taxpayer and are able to Gift the contribution please click here for the pdf form.
Once you have completed and signed the form please send it along with your cheque indicating which part you are sponsoring and made payable to
‘6880 Betton Grange (Society) Ltd ‘ to
6880 Parts Appeal, 224 Staining Road,Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 0DL
For the Shelf List and On the Grange
There are no products in this group.
Enquiries about sponsorship to
Chris Moore Engineering Director on 07932 797791
or chrismoore-1950@live.co.uk