Seven Guest Locomotives amongst the ‘Stars’

As at 21st November 2011 the line up of locomotives for next April’s Steel, Steam & Stars III event looks like this;


Standard Gauge;

BR(ER) ‘A1’ class 4-6-2 No. 60163 Tornado

BR Standard ‘7MT’ class 4-6-2 No. 70000 Britannia

Ex-LNWR/LMS ‘G2a’ class 0-8-0 ‘Super D’ No. 49395

Ex-LNWR/LMS ‘2F’ class 0-6-2T ‘Coal Tank’ No. 58926

Ex-GNR/LNER ‘N2’ class 0-6-2T ‘Suburban Tank’ No. 1744

Ex-CR/LMS ‘812’ class 0-6-0 ‘Caley Express Goods’ No. 828

Narrow Gauge;

TR 2′ 3″ gauge Fletcher Jennings No. 2 Dolgoch


Standard Gauge;

BR(WR) 78xx class 4-6-0 No. 7822 Foxcote Manor

Ex-LMS ‘5MT’ class 4-6-0 ‘Black 5’ No. 44806

Ex-GWR ‘2884’ class 2-8-0 ‘Heavy Freight’ No. 3802

Ex-GWR 64xx class 0-6-0PT No. 6430 (on auto trains)

BR ‘4MT’ class 2-6-4T ‘Passenger Tank’ No. 80072

Ex-GWR ‘5101 class 2-6-2T No. 5199 (in BR black for first time)

Ex-GWR ‘5101’ class 2-6-2T No. 4141 (subject to completion of overhaul)