Cogan Hall

Preparing Cogan Hall’s boiler for Warley

our team are now removing the fittings that hold Coagan Hall’s boiler onto the frames and release it for sitting on 6880’s chassis for the Warley show. Cleaning the boiler and starting to give it a coat of red oxide paint.

‘In other work we have taken delivery of the refurbished cross heads and the front draw hook now fitted with the screw coupling.


Cogan Hall at Llangollen

5952 Cogan Hall is now at Llangollen, and we have added a page for the Hall on the site.

5952 Cogan Hall

The Board of 6880 Betton Grange (Society) Ltd are pleased to announce that they have been successful in purchasing 5952 Cogan Hall together with a substantial amount of spare parts. This is a strategic decision which will substantially reduce the time and cost of constructing Betton Grange.

In the medium term we propose to refurbish the bogie and later tender from Cogan Hall for use with 6880. The cost of a new bogie alone would be in excess of the purchase price for 5952. In addition the time required to refurbish the existing bogie will be substantially less than manufacturing and assembling from new. Refurbishing the existing bogie will also assist in providing information and experience necessary to construct a new bogie for Cogan Hall in the longer term.

We must stress that we do not propose to dismantle Cogan Hall to provide parts for 6880 or any other projects. The longer term desire is to restore Cogan Hall in its own right. This will be subject to separate fund raising. There has already been significant interest expressed by several of Betton Granges supporters in restoring 5952 by once 6880 is completed.

We must record our thanks to the Board of the Llangollen Railway for their agreement in allowing Cogan Hall to be moved to the railway. It is expected that 5952 will be moved to the Llangollen Railway before the Spring Gala 23rd to 25th April.

With regard to 6880 significant progress is being by Dave Owen’s team in completing the riveting of the dragbox and progressing with the horn guides. In addition the patterns for spring hanger brackets have been made and the brackets cast. The curved foot framing which will be fitted below the cab has been manufactured.

The Society is indebted to Pete Simpson from the Severn Valley Railway, for producing drawings for the new extension frames. Costs are currently being obtained for their manufacture. It is anticipated that an order will be placed for the extension frames before the summer.